A few friends and I went to Bass Cemetary for our interaction to see if we could have any encounters with the supernatural. Bass Cemetary is said to be haunted by the spirits of civil war soldiers and slaves. It is rumored that occult groups practice their rituals there, leaving behind animal carcasses that they have sacrificed. We didn't see any during our visit, but some of my friends have told me that when they have visited bass they have seen the carcasses. We didn't actually see any mists, figures, etc., but whenever I go to Bass I always have this eerie feeling, like something is following me. It's probably just a psychological thing. However, after I took a picture of Bradlie, Shawna, and Tatum, we saw an "orb" in the top right corner of the picture. I hear noises often whenever I go to Bass, but I have to remember that it's located in the woods and there's many of things that could have caused the noises, including the people that I may go with.
I thought that the interaction was the best part of this project. It was interesting to get together and talk about everyone's beliefs on this topic and going ghost hunting was a lot of fun. We stayed there for a good while and we didn't see any appartions or witness any other paranormal activity, so that makes me feel a little bit better about ghosts. When I started out researching this topic, it scared me to death. Now I think that people could have encounters with demons, but it won't happen unless you call upon them. I stayed in a "haunted" grave yard and I didn't see anything that would make me believe that there are ghosts.
I'm glad y'all went ! 80/80