Thursday, April 8, 2010

Amityville Horror

The Amityville Horror. Dir. Andrew Douglas. Dimension Films, 2005. Film.

A family, the Lutzes, moves in to a house that was the scene of a grusome murder the year before. Ronald DeFeo Jr., who was the oldest son of the family that lived in the home prior to the Lutzes, brutally murdered his parents and his two brothers and two sisters using a .35 caliber in November of 1974. The Lutzes haven't been in their new house long when they start to see the ghost of Ronald DeFeo's sister, Jodie DeFeo, and theystart to see terrible things such as disfigured bodies, insects gathering in the house, and hearing ghostly voices George Lutz begins to act differently throughout the course of the movie. He becomes a danger to the rest of his family. When a priest is invited to the house to bless the home, he leaves after being swarmed by flies. He warns Kate Lutz by saying, "Mrs. Lutz, get you and your family out of that house. Right now!". Kate tries to get her family out of the house before anything too terrible happens, but the spirits are trying to take over George and make him an endangerment to the ones that he loves.

This movie doesn't really scare me because I think that the Amityville Horror was a total fake. Ronald DeFeo Jr. claimed that he heard ghostly voices telling him to murder his family. What some people do not know is that Ronald DeFeo Jr. was into some hard drugs and had a rough childhood. His actions came from his own desires, not the desires of a "ghost" living in his house. As far as the movie goes, I thought it was a great movie. I hate movies that end with a main character dying, so this movie earned major points for keeping everyone alive, aside from the DeFeo's. As for the "true" story behind the movie, I think it was just a scam for the Lutzes to get money for their "haunted" home.

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