Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Recorded Poltergeist Activity

Unbelievable poltergeist activity [Video]. (2008). Retrieved on April 14, 2010, from

This video is about a guy who had been experiencing some paranormal activity in his home. At the ten second mark of the video, he tells us that "I would often return home from work to find the door leading to my attic wide open". Many unexplainable occurrences have happened, so he set up a camera in his living room, hoping to capture the poltergeist on tape. Many strange things occur such, as radio interference, orbs floating around, doors opening and closing, and paper towels on the coffee table ending up on the couch. The man's dogs seem very upset with whatever presence they sense in the house. This footage was recorded during the middle of the day on March 14th 2008.

This video seriously scared the crap out of me! I've seen ghost hunting shows before, but I always believed that people just psyched themselves out and I never understood what the host would be freaking out about. This video seems so real, and the dogs reaction to whatever is going on around them really makes this video that much more believable. I think that this man really does have a spirit living in his home.

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